4 remèdes maison pour les infections à levures

4 remèdes maison pour les infections à levures

juin 16, 2021 Non Par Ambe Kenneth

While yeast infections can be common, they can also be bothersome, and even worse, embarrassing for women. Although serious infections may require a doctor’s visit and a prescription, there are over-the-counter options and several home remedies for yeast infections. Learn how to identify a yeast infection, when to go to the doctor, how to treat a yeast infection at home, and how to prevent them from happening again.

Types of yeast infections

There are different types of yeast infections, but all of them occur when an area of ​​the body becomes infected with yeast-like fungi called candida (on yeast infections). This fungus thrives in moist, warm, folded areas of the skin, such as the groin, under the chest, or armpits. “Candidiasis is the main type of fungal infection in the body: it is caused by yeasts and can occur in the mouth, intestines, throat and vagina,” says Niket Sonpal, MD, internist and gastroenterologist at New York. « If it is not treated properly with medication, it is likely that it can get out of control and infect your kidneys and heart. »

There are many types of infections caused by the candida fungus, depending on the location on the body and the type of candida present. Although they have some overlap in symptoms, they can also have different symptoms.

  • Cutaneous candidiasis infections occur when the skin of the body becomes infected. The most typical places where candida will develop are the skin between the fingers or toes, fingernails, armpits, under the breasts or around the groin. The main symptom is a red, itchy rash.
  • Diaper rash in babies can sometimes be caused by an overgrowth of candida, which occurs when there is a moist environment due to the wet diapers which help candida to grow. A red rash appears between the folds of the skin and small red dots represent the infected area.
  • Oral thrush occurs when candidiasis affects the lining of the mouth or throat. Oral thrush presents as white lesions on the inside of the cheeks or on the tongue. Symptoms may also include bad breath, pain when swallowing, taste abnormalities, and dry mouth (read more about oral thrush).
  • Vaginal yeast infections, also called vulvovaginal candidiasis, occur when there is an overgrowth of candida in the vagina. Candida albicans is a fungal strain common in yeast infections. Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are irritation, itching, inflammation, and a thick, white vaginal discharge. The most common AIDS are:

“Yeast infections are common and occur in three in four women at least once in their lifetime,” says Dr. Sonpal. Since vaginal yeast infections occur in most women, this article will be specific to the treatment and prevention of vaginal yeast infections only.

Can a yeast infection go away on its own?

“Mild versions of yeast infections have the ability to go away on their own,” says Dr. Sonpal. « However, ignoring a yeast infection is not recommended as it is more likely to come back if not treated medically. »

While some people may choose to try home remedies for a yeast infection or over-the-counter treatments, some people should see a doctor when they experience symptoms of a yeast infection. These patients include:

  • Those who have recurrent yeast infections (four or more times a year)
  • Pregnant women
  • Those who may have been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease (STD)
  • Les femmes qui ne savent pas si leurs symptômes proviennent d’une infection à levures
  • Les personnes qui n’ont pas de succès avec les remèdes maison ou les médicaments en vente libre
  • Patients atteints de diabète non contrôlé ou d’un système immunitaire affaibli en raison de certains médicaments ou d’affections telles que le VIH

Remèdes à la maison pour les infections à levures

Il existe des moyens naturels pour traiter les infections à levures. Ces remèdes maison pour les infections à levures sont pratiques pour ceux qui souhaitent emprunter une voie plus naturelle et plus discrète.

1. Vinaigre de cidre de pomme

Le vinaigre de cidre de pomme inhibe la croissance du candida albicans, la souche de champignons qui provoque généralement des infections à levures.

Pour utiliser ce remède naturel, faites couler un bain et ajoutez une demi-tasse de vinaigre de cidre de pomme et laissez tremper dans le bain pendant au moins 20 minutes.

N’utilisez jamais de vinaigre de cidre de pomme à pleine puissance. En raison de la capacité du cidre de pomme à tuer les bactéries et les champignons, il pourrait également tuer les bactéries saines dans le corps. Diluer le vinaigre de cidre de pomme avant de l’utiliser.

2. L’huile de coco

L’huile de coco, extraite de la chair des noix de coco, possède des propriétés antifongiques naturelles. Une étude de Scientifica a révélé que l’huile de noix de coco peut aider à inhiber les bactéries candida qui causent les infections à levures. Pour utiliser ce traitement, appliquez simplement de l’huile de noix de coco sur la zone touchée.

3. Douches vaginales

Les douches en vente libre peuvent combattre les infections à levures et soulager l’inflammation et l’irritation. Cependant, la plupart des études montrent des effets indésirables des douches vaginales, et peu d’études donnent des résultats positifs. Selon le Bureau de la santé des femmes, les médecins recommandent aux femmes de ne pas se doucher, car les douches vaginales peuvent entraîner des problèmes de grossesse, des infections vaginales et des infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST).

4. Ail

Garlic and garlic oil are well known antifungal agents. Studies have even shown that it has antifungal activity against candida albicans. While more traditional approaches may recommend inserting the garlic clove directly into the vagina, a less invasive approach is to simply add more fresh garlic to food and incorporate it into more meals.